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Whole School Professional Development

Are you looking for staff training that is:

  • practical and based on real classroom experience?

  • going to make a lasting impact on teaching and learning in your school?

  • will develop classroom practice where your students assimilate skills, dispositions, and drive that make a difference in their performance, relationships, and lives?

Working Together on Project
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TSSA has a team of experienced, qualified trainers who offer their expertise in a variety of thinking skill strategies and tools, such as Habits of Mind, the Growth Mindset, Thinking Maps, Thinking Hats, Thinking Routines and the TASC Wheel.

The following are comments from teachers who have attended whole staff professional development:

It changes your way of thinking about teaching your topics in future.

It shows you how to promote better learner thinking.

We were shown new ways to gather knowledge and wisdom through creative thinking.

The training reminded us how we can engage with our learners constantly and effectively.

I became aware of how your mindset can change the result of your outcome.

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